Florida Tech Panther Statue

Colleges, Schools & Departments

Colleges, Schools & Departments

College of Aeronautics

亚洲博彩平台航空学院为全球航空界培养了一些最优秀、最聪明的专业人士. 来自世界各地的本科生和研究生都加入了我们,不仅要获得自己的学位和证书,还要沉浸在航空业中,解决对世界产生影响的复杂问题.

College of Aeronautics

Bisk College of Business

The Nathan M. Bisk College of Business 亚洲博彩平台拥有全球视野,教育和授权学生克服看似不可能的障碍,应对日益复杂的挑战,成为伟大的商业领袖. Driven by core values including innovation, ethics, leadership and diversity, we strive for greatness in all areas of business. 

Nathan M. Bisk College of Business

College of Engineering & Science

作为亚洲博彩平台规模最大,研究最密集的分支机构, 工程与科学学院(COES)使我们成为佛罗里达州的STEM大学TM.

College of Engineering & Science

Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences

The mission of the Department of Aerospace, 物理和空间科学是引导下一代工程师和科学家进入他们喜欢的职业, to understand the physics of the universe, and drive humanity’s future in the air and in space.

Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences

Biomedical Engineering and Science


Biomedical Engineering and Science

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

化学与化学工程系(CCE)的使命是提供一个安全的工作环境,追求卓越的教育, 化学和化学工程领域的研究和创新. 

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

电气工程与计算机科学系的使命是教育和激励学生解决关键问题, collaboratively innovate, 在计算机和电气工程领域追求卓越.

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Mathematics and Systems Engineering

数学与系统工程系的使命是提供数学和系统工程方面的教育,目标是培养具有强大数学基础的学生,使他们能够创造新知识, solve critical problems, collaboratively innovate and pursue excellence in mathematics and its applications to engineering fields; to nurture integration of ideas and open new avenues for interdisciplinary research in model-based systems engineering that includes adaptive, complex, enterprise, intelligent systems; to prepare the next generation of students capable of tackling the pressing issues of society. 

Mathematics and Systems Engineering

Mechanical and Civil Engineering

机械和土木工程系的使命是为研究生和本科生做好准备,使他们成为与工业工作场所相关的全球和当地环境中的成功专业人士和领导者, research, business, and management.

Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences

Our mission is to integrate oceanography, marine biology, ocean engineering, environmental science, ecology, meteorology, remote sensing, sustainability, 以及相关的学术努力,通过教育跨学科地寻找当代重大问题的解决方案, research and service.

Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences

College of Psychology & Liberal Arts


The college offers a diverse array of courses, programs and extra curricular/co curricular opportunities. 我们很高兴您访问了我们的网站,希望您能借此机会探索我们学院所提供的一切.

College of Psychology & Liberal Arts

School of Arts and Communication

The School of Arts & 传播学提供传播学和人文学科的课程,这些课程既与同行机构相媲美,又因亚洲博彩平台的环境而与众不同. 这些项目通过批判性地审视社会和文化问题来补充和扩展STEM教育.

School of Arts and Communication

School of Behavior Analysis

Florida Tech’s behavior analysis programs fit every need. 行为分析是研究行为的一种科学方法, 以行为作为适当的调查对象. 它与描述、解释、预测和改变行为有关. 环境事件是我们科学中主要的自变量, 尽管人们认识到需要遗传学和其他生物学变量来充分解释行为. Thus, 行为分析的重点是确定行为与环境事件之间的功能关系.

School of Behavior Analysis

School of Psychology

你可能刚刚发现了心理学这个迷人的领域,或者你一直梦想着获得心理学学位. 你可能是这个领域的新手,或者想要更进一步. In either case, 亚洲博彩平台的心理学院为你在心理学方面的兴趣提供了一系列的选择. 我们提供校内和网上的心理学本科学位, master’s degrees in psychology, and doctoral degrees.  And with each psychology degree, 有很多方法可以调整你的学习,为你选择的心理学职业做最好的准备.

School of Psychology

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